Brought to you by the
2010 Morningside Elementary
Kid's Classroom Art
Auction Coordinator
Evelyn Edmeades

Tips for Creating a Successful Art Piece:
Get teachers involved. Ask for the teacher’s participation and cooperation, whether it's to help come up with an idea for a project they would like the class to work on or to determine a theme based on something being studied in class. You need your teacher on board so that the children can work on the project during class time.
Pick something that is age-appropriate. That way the project will be done by the children and not by parents, making it more appealing.
Have a theme. The finished project will look nicer if there’s a consistent element, and it’s often easier for young children to be artistic when they're told to draw a self-portrait or an animal, than when they're told to just draw anything they would like. But it is also important to allow for individual creativity.
Have all supplies "ready to go" and work in small groups. Do not try to complete the piece in one visit. Allow for 2 - 3 short classroom visits and time at home to complete the project. If working with materials that will stain clothes, be prepared with Old Men's shirts to use as aprons or ask the kids to wear "art clothes" that day.
Make the project durable. Work in a medium that won't bleed, ie: water colors , washable markers or pastels. If you are using a bowl or tray, cover any decoupage with a waterproof sealant. Use permanent markers, paint, and sealant designed specifically for the type of material you're working with, whether it's plastic, wood, metal, or something else. Ask at a local craft or hardware store for product recommendations.
Label the artwork. If it doesn’t make sense to have the student’s names on the front of the artwork, have them sign their names around the edges or on the back. Or have a small paper guide accompanying the artwork showing which child did which part of the piece. Be sure to put the name of the school, class teacher, and date somewhere on the project so the buyer will be able to remember it forever.
Helpful links:
Blick Art Materials various projects:
browse by grade level or technique
Information on various techniques for kid's art projects
click on links on left of her blog page for more information on techniques using painting, paper mache, oil pastel, printmaking, watercolor, weaving...etc.
How to transfer a photocopy image onto canvas using modelling compound
How to use Oil Sticks (drawing with oil):
How to decoupage using Mod Podge
Michael's craft store - craft projects